Chakras distribute the energy throughout the energy body via energy channels ultimately controlling and energizing the major and vital organs of the physical body.
The state of a person’s chakras and hence the energy body represents the physical health of a person. The chakras are also centres for psychological functions. They not only represent particular parts of the body but also govern mental and emotional aspects of a person, that is, they are a reflection of a person’s psychological state. If we examine closely the psychological qualities associated with each chakra, we will see that they form an excellent psychological blueprint for success.
To start with, the Root chakra, located at the base of the spine, governs the spinal column and adrenal glands. Psychologically it is associated with our ability to survive in the physical world. This means being well grounded and having a practical and realistic approach to life rather than floating off into space. It also means having a good understanding of how the world works, allowing us to exist and operate effectively in today’s environment. The life lesson this chakra teaches us is standing up for oneself and realizing that we would always be supported by the consciousness because we have the Right to exist because we are born.
The Sacral chakra, located in the pubic area, is responsible for nourishing the reproductive system including the urinary organs. It is linked with high creativity and capacity to generate ideas. Creativity is an impetus for innovation and can assist us in finding solutions to difficult problems by thinking outside the square. The sex chakra is also associated with the desire to maintain control and power over the external environment, including people and money. Having a positive influence over people is vital for effective leadership and management; while financial wealth allows us make the most of our opportunities. Spiritual lesson from this chakra is to learn how to eliminate our need to control everything in our lives and open ourselves to surrender our beliefs in right or wrong and making judgments about everything. It also makes us realize that we are safe and protected by consciousness at all times.
The Manipura chakra, located on the naval, energizes the digestive system. It is connected to our personal power, that is, our level of self-esteem and self-confidence within ourselves. Naturally, the more belief we have in ourselves and our abilities, the more likely we will be in succeeding. Self-confidence enables us to easily silence the negative voices that arise in our heads, replacing negative statements like “no I cannot” with positive affirmations such as “yes I can!” On a psychological level it is associated with courage, perseverance, motivation and the desire to win. Motivation and desire to win serve as the necessary fuel to “fight” on, especially during those critical moments when the challenge appears to be just too great. The lessons this chakra teaches is to forgive and forget the past and Live in the present moment by moment and affirm that
“I can…ACCOMPLISH both easy and difficult tasks with grace and ease!”
The Heart chakra, located in the heart, controls the thymus gland, the heart and blood. It is naturally linked to our ability to love, to feel compassion, to be considerate and act in kindness. Such attributes are very important when it comes to relationships and dealing with people on a personal and professional level. The heart chakra is also the center of our passion. The more passionate we are about our goals and beliefs, the higher the chance of success. The spiritual lessons Anahata or the Heart chakra wants to teach us are about compassion, forgiveness, trust and unconditional love. It makes us affirm that
“I love…I am completely LOVED and completely lovable!”
The Throat chakra, located on the throat, nourishes the thyroid gland, lungs, bronchial tubes and voice box. It has an obvious association with our ability to express ourselves and communicate with others via words and actions. Naturally, this is central to achieving mutual understanding in relationships and team environments. The throat chakra is also related to being organized and methodical, that is, our ability to manage tasks and people. Such characteristics are fundamental to the successful management of complex tasks and team-based projects. This chakra teaches us to release comparison and jealousy, becomes centred and then become creative as God has made us Unique. It makes us realize that
“I speak…my TRUTH and it is liberating!”
The Ajna chakra, also known as the Third Eye, is located between the eyebrows. It governs the pituitary gland, nervous system and lower brain. This chakra is related to our intellectual ability, that is, our ability to think logically, comprehend concepts and solve problems. The benefits of this are obvious. It is also related to our ability to learn from previous experiences, enabling us to make better decisions in the future. Furthermore, it is associated with our level of willpower, stamina and discipline. Such qualities are typically relied on during the most difficult or tedious parts of a challenge or project. This chakra makes us release our limiting and rigid beliefs and affirm that
“I see…my life flows with acceptance and becomes more enjoyable with each new day!”
Finally, the Crown chakra, which is located at the top of the head, controls the pineal gland and upper brain. Spiritually it represents our connection to our soul and creator. It is through this connection that we are able to understand our purpose in life, why we are here. Having a clear vision of the bigger picture means that the goals we will endeavor to achieve will inevitably be far more fulfilling. The crown chakra is also the origin of intuition and inspiration, serving as another useful tool in making decisions and acting quickly on opportunities. This chakra makes us realize that
“I know…I am one with god, greatest omnipotence, whose strength and power lovingly FLOW through me at all times!”
Now if we were to do an honest stock take of ourselves on each these qualities, we would discover, as expected, that we are strong in some areas but not so strong in others. There are some that may be strong in qualities originating from the lower chakras and hence have the required ability to execute but lacking connection with others or have no sense of purpose and fulfillment. There may be others strong in traits found in the higher chakras, that is, have the required intelligence, a strong sense of purpose and in some cases, highly intuitive but lack the capability to execute effectively. And of course there are those who exhibit a mixed combination of the above.
The key to success and happiness is achieving the right balance. We therefore need to develop those qualities that are lacking and continue to enhance further the other traits that come more naturally. You can do a personal self assessment based on the qualities associated with each chakra. You can then elect to systematically focus on each chakra for a period of time and work on improving those qualities. This approach requires you to be quite honest and retrospectively analytical. A lot can be said about this and other similar style approaches and will be the subject of future articles.
You can get your chakras analyzed HERE
Learn how you can easily heal and strengthen your chakras here: https://singapore.chakrayog.com/Articles/RudrakshaRatnaScienceTherapy.aspx
Need any help or guidance? Don’t suffer in silence. Let’s chat and discover how I can help you.
Benefits of chakra healing with rudrakshas and gemstones available to everyone in Singapore, Malaysia and Worldwide.