Do you love yourself? Your first answer might be “Of course I do” but how many of us truly do love ourselves fully and unconditionally? How often do you think thoughts about yourself that are not loving or depressing? Do you attract relationships, whether intimate partners, work colleagues and employers or friendships, that are not loving? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and feel gratitude and appreciation for your life and health or notice every single bump and line that you perceive as physical flaws and sink into depression? I ask again, do you love yourself?
If you know you could definitely love yourself a little more and suddenly are realizing that you are really tired of criticizing yourself or attracting others who do, then head straight to your green heart chakra. Your green heart chakra is locating in the center of your chest and it is here that we hold our feelings of self love and self acceptance. How we feel about ourselves influences everything from the way we talk to ourselves to the kind of people and experiences we attract into our life. If you feel loved (by loving yourself), you will tend to attract people who truly love you via wonderful friendships, healthy partnerships and generous, supportive work circles. When we don’t feel loved (because we don’t love ourselves), we experience a sense of real disharmony finding ourselves in situations with others that make us feel sad, angry or unappreciated. We attract people who mirror our own emotionally and mentally negative inner environment.
What most people tend to do when they feel unloved is try and get that love outside themselves, thinking something has to happen before they can have the inner joy and harmony they are looking, for example, “I will feel loved and whole when I find my soul mate/when my partner changes”, “I will be happy with myself when I lose this weight”. However this is going about it in completely the wrong way because your energy creates your reality. Your ideal partner will show up in front of you when you feel loved (because you love yourself) and when you know that you are whole just as you are. Your weight will drop off when you decide to be happy with yourself (because you love yourself and you know that feeling happy feels better to your soul than talking your way into feeling bad about yourself).
Some crave love while others consciously try and stop love from entering their lives. When our heart has been wounded, we have a tendency to put up a wall around it, thinking ‘if I don’t let love in, then it can’t hurt me’. However, it was never love that hurt you. It was the experience of being abandoned, betrayed or abused that puts you in that depression state. Putting up a wall ironically often serves to attract that kind of experience again, acting like a magnet for those who don’t want a genuine heart connection. You do want a heart connection otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article, so put the wall down!
Other times we have a wall because we don’t want others to see the real us, fearing that if they see who we really are, they will run away, so convinced are we of our defectiveness!! True intimacy = See Into Me. When you learn to love and accept yourself just as you are, you will feel how sad it is to keep hiding your beautiful light from the world and you will become less afraid (and one day not afraid at all) to show your Self.
When our heart chakra is not balanced, it can manifest physically as high or low blood pressure, disorders with the heart, lungs (deep or long term grief often shows up in the lungs), breasts or blood, chest pains, asthma, circulation problems, immune system deficiency or tension between the shoulder blades.
Location in Body |
Centre of Chest At Heart Centre |
When Your Anahata Chakra is Closed |
You are afraid of commitment and feel like you have to please others to be loved; you have been hurt by others many times in relationships and now feel like you have to guard yourself from being hurt again. |
When Your Anahata Chakra is Opened |
You are comfortable in your relationships, giving and receiving love easily, feel a heartfelt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is, you appreciate others and feel compassion for yourself and others without feeling sorry for anyone. |
Blocked By |
Attention need/grief/loss of expectations. |
Symptoms of Blockage -(you may exhibit one or more of these) |
Grief, feeling of neglect, loneliness and depression at the emotional level. When overactive, it causes obsessive love. Physical ailments can manifest as fevers, asthma, allergies, heart/lung ailments, blood pressure or hypertension. |
Associations |
Healthy Relationships |
Unblocked When |
You start expressing selfless unconditional love |
Meditation To Heal The Chakra

Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast. Concentrate on the Heart chakra which is at level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.
Do for 10 minutes daily and feel the sensation of awakening of the Anahata Chakra. You can also listen to this audio of this mantra chant. Best is to chant while listening to this audio.
For a powerful cleansing and empowering of this chakra, you may use these proven ancient tools that are ISO 9001 certified to hasten the process.
Need any help or guidance? Don’t suffer in silence. Let’s chat and discover how I can help you.
Release Limiting Beliefs
I release the feeling of being a broken heart
I release the feeling of being sad
I release the feeling of being alone
I release grief from every cell of my body
I release the feeling of loneliness
I release the feeling of being disappointed in love
I release the feeling of being rejected in love
I release the belief that it is hard to forgive
I release the belief that I am emotionally weak
I release the belief that I have lack of love
I release the belief that there is no love for me
I release the belief that I don’t know how to love myself
I release the belief that I don’t know what real love is
I release the pattern of attracting others that hurt me.
I release the fear that I am disappointed in love
I release the belief that I am hopeless
I release fear of love
I release the belief that love hurts
I release the belief that relationships are painful
I release the fear that I can’t commit
I release the belief that I have to be weak to be loved
I release being unkind
I release all jealousy from my being
I release belief that I have to change myself to be loved
I release the pattern of being disconnected from my feelings
I release the belief that it is hard to accept myself
I release the belief that the pain is too deep
I release the fear that I can’t let go
I release the pattern of hiding / putting up walls / ignoring my feelings
I release belief that I can’t feel anything
I release feeling that I need to hurt
I release the belief that I need to feel bad about who I am
I release the belief that nobody could love me
I release the belief that I have lack of desire
I release all heart aches
I release the feeling of craving love and affection
I release belief that I never get what I want
I release belief that there is nobody to love me
I release the question that when will I be special / when will I count
I release the pattern of ignoring my feelings / blocked from my emotions / stuck in my wounded energy
I release the fear of letting it go, just to be disappointed again and again.
Helpful Affirmations Below
Thank The Universe
I am loved because I was born / I am enough / My feelings are safe / I am free of past hurts / My heart is healed / I am whole and healed / I am safe no matter what happens / I am free to love and be loved / I am forgiving / I am forgiving others for hurting me / I now choose joy / I am worth it / I am safe feeling all my feelings / I am fulfilling my heart’s desire / I am compassion / My fourth chakra is healed / I am self love / I am tenderness / I am real / My emotions are safe / I am feeling all my feelings / I am in touch with my core truth / I am joy / I am peaceful and balanced / I take in life fully / I am free to let go of the past / I am moving forward / I am allowing / I am understanding / I am safe to love again / I am creating loving, supporting relationships / I am safe to commit / I am strong and I am loved / I am safe being intimate / I am safe being real / I am forgiving of myself and others / I am what I think I am.
Benefits of chakra healing with rudrakshas and gemstones available to everyone in Singapore, Malaysia and Worldwide.