This chakra is located between the navel and the base of the spinal cord and holds the ‘chi’ or energy of creation, around the area of the spleen. It controls the sexual organs and manifests joy, compassion, sensuality and creativity. This chakra also can affect the lower back, lower digestive organs and urinary system. It is a strong link to our mother’s womb. Unbalanced, it produces fear of living, worthlessness and resentment. Balanced, it expands our desire to form relationships and live with sensitivity.
Spiritual lesson from this chakra is to learn how to eliminate our need to control everything in our lives and open ourselves to surrender our beliefs in right or wrong and making judgments about everything. It is the seat of creativity, holds the energy of money, power of relationships and fears associated with risk taking. When out of balance we may have problems moving forward in life due to fear & insecurity. Sacral Chakra is related to power (including will power), fame, money and how we manage finances (constant money problems often result in chronic lower back problems).
Balanced Sacral Chakra:
Persons with a balanced sacral chakra or sex chakra have the ability to allow pleasure into their lives; they are usually very creative and expressive. A balanced sacral chakra is often found in people who have a high level of integrity, are very ethical and honour relationships; they also are very much attuned to their own feelings and have a trusting nature.
Overactive Sacral Chakra:
Overactivity in the sacral chakra can lead to being emotionally imbalanced with the tendency to fantasize. There will be many issues around money and sex as well as power and control. This can express itself in many different shapes like sexual addictions and manipulative behaviour.
Under-Active Sacral Chakra:
A blocked or under-active sacral chakra will also lead to emotional instability but this is mainly focusing on the over-sensitive and insecure type of emotions. The person with a blocked sacral chakra is usually very hard on themselves, with feelings of guilt and blame for no reason, which can also lead to feelings of isolation and withdrawing from life.
Illnesses Associated with The Sacral Chakra:
Most diseases around the reproductive organs are associated with malfunctioning of the sacral chakra. Sacral chakra malfunction is also connected with other sexual issues such as impotence, frigidity and infertility. There is also a connection between the sacral chakra and urinary problems, chronic lower back pain, sciatica as well as addictions and fears. When blocked, it could lead to lower back pain, sciatica, pelvic pain, urinary problems, emotional problems (blaming others), lack of money, sexual problems, kidney weakness, constipation, muscle cramps, lack of energy, repression and inhibition, loss of weight, imbalances in the endocrine system, muscle tension, poor vitamin C absorption and nervous depression. The person with a blocked sacral chakra is usually very hard on themselves, with feelings of guilt and blame for no reason, which can also lead to feelings of isolation and withdrawing from life.
Learn How To Heal Your Swadhisthana (Sacral) Sex Chakra
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