The Root chakra is called Muladhara in Sanskrit. The meaning of Muladhara is ‘root’ or ‘support’. The Root chakra is depicted as a four leafed lotus with a square in its centre in which a triangle facing downward is depicted.
This chakra is situated at the end of the spinal cord at the tail-bone in the back and the pubic bone in the front. The Root chakra is associated with survival and safety. All that you have achieved in the material world is derived from the energy of the first chakra. The life lesson this chakra teaches us is standing up for oneself.

When this chakra is blocked you may feel frightened, paranoid, insecure and frustrated. Physical problems that coincide with a blockage in this chakra are: obesity, anorexia nervosa, sore knees, arthritis, hip problems, problems of the lower back, the glandulae suprarenalis, the spinal cord and the reproductive organs.
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