The Art of Expressing Yourself – Your Vishuddha Throat Chakra is The Key


We all know that communication is the key to harmonious relationships (personally and professionally), yet how many of us struggle with expressing ourselves openly and honestly, unsure of how the other person might respond? You get what you want by asking for it but how many of us have been taught it’s better to keep quiet than to open your mouth and potentially create confrontation or conflict?

If you are one who has trouble expressing your truth, look to your blue throat chakra for some help, located of course at the throat. When balanced this chakra helps us to express who we really are, not only via our verbal communication but also through the clothes we wear, the career we choose and the lifestyle we live. Do these things match who you feel you really are or have you conformed to the reality around you not wanting to risk judgement, criticism or being outcast by a certain social, cultural or family group?

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How To Develop Your Personal Power By Empowering Your Manipur Solar Plexus Chakra

Do you feel totally in control of your life or are you feeling helpless and hopeless, at the whim of external forces around you? Are you in the driver’s seat of your life or do you feel pushed and pulled in all directions by people who think they know the direction that’s best for you? Do you find yourself saying yes when you wish you had the courage to say no and no when you really wish you had the confidence to say yes?

If you feel you need a boost to your sense of empowerment and want to tap into your warrior energy, then look no further than your yellow solar plexus chakra.

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Learn How Solutions to Joyfulness and Pleasure Lies Within Your Sacral Sex Chakra


We have all heard the adage ‘treat yourself as you wish to be treated’ but often treat ourselves and talk to ourselves in a way we would never dream of treating or talking to our best friend or daughter. We all smile when the beautiful woman in the advertisement says because you’re worth it’ but often put pampering and nurturing ourselves last on our very long to do lists. We deny our needs and repress our true feelings, often numbing ourselves with debilitating addictions and habits. Is there an anti- Goddess part of us trying to make us feel less than who we really are?

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