This chakra is located between the navel and the base of the spinal cord and holds the ‘chi’ or energy of creation, around the area of the spleen. It controls the sexual organs and manifests joy, compassion, sensuality and creativity. This chakra also can affect the lower back, lower digestive organs and urinary system. It is a strong link to our mother’s womb. Unbalanced, it produces fear of living, worthlessness and resentment. Balanced, it expands our desire to form relationships and live with sensitivity.
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Learn How Solutions to Joyfulness and Pleasure Lies Within Your Sacral Sex Chakra
We have all heard the adage ‘treat yourself as you wish to be treated’ but often treat ourselves and talk to ourselves in a way we would never dream of treating or talking to our best friend or daughter. We all smile when the beautiful woman in the advertisement says because you’re worth it’ but often put pampering and nurturing ourselves last on our very long to do lists. We deny our needs and repress our true feelings, often numbing ourselves with debilitating addictions and habits. Is there an anti- Goddess part of us trying to make us feel less than who we really are?
Continue reading “Learn How Solutions to Joyfulness and Pleasure Lies Within Your Sacral Sex Chakra”